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Whether you’re a single mum struggling with bills, or a young student from a low socio-economic background, everyone deserves access to mental health services. The problem is, this isn’t always the reality.

This article will explore the importance of mental health support for vulnerable communities and why it is so essential.

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Access Mental Health Support: The Common Barriers

What are some of the barriers to accessing mental health?

  • Not everyone has the finances to afford therapy. 
  • People who live in rural areas may have limited access to psychologists or psychiatrists (and any local professionals might not have availability for a long period of time)
  • There may be cultural barriers; for example, English may not be someone’s first language
  • Mental health itself can be a barrier as sometimes people feel like it’s not worth, or they are not able to, pursue help, particularly when other factors make it especially difficult for them
  • Lack of awareness; a lack of education in particular population groups can mean that people don’t have the knowledge to properly seek help
  • Cultural beliefs; some cultures may not acknowledge or discuss mental health problems
  • Stigma and embarrassment, such as fear of identifying with a mental illness

The Impact of Systemic Inequalities on Mental Health

According to this article published through the National Library of Medicine, there are many key issues in global mental health.

To the World Health Organization, health inequalities can be defined as ‘differences in health status or in the distribution of health determinants between different population groups’. Inequity in mental health does exist in access to care, use, and outcomes of care (such as mortality rates) and can occur by geographical region, gender, socioeconomic status, racial or ethnic background, and sexual orientation.

The consequences of these mental health inequalities include the unnecessary suffering and premature deaths, increased stigma and marginalization, lack of investment in mental health infrastructure, and limited (or complete lack of) treatment for people struggling with these conditions.

Factors that can improve a community’s mental health are social connection and support, as community bonds impact mental health. 

People could attend city council meetings to make their voices heard (bringing issues they care about to light), support local businesses, or join a local group, such as a book club. This builds a great foundation for positive mental health.

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Benefits of Mental Health Support

So, how does mental health support enhance quality of life? Good mental health means:

  • People can handle stress a lot better
  • It helps in making decisions
  • People can build positive relationships with others
  • It increases self-esteem and self of self-worth
  • People can feel more motivated to do the things they enjoy
  • It helps people pursue their goals in life (educational, personal or professional)
  • People can think a lot clearer
  • People can make healthier choices (such as eating better or exercising)
  • It helps people shape the world they inhabit
  • People can relate to others on a deeper level

For example, 70% of people with depression experience sleep disturbances. Having stable mental health helps people sleep better and be more productive the next day. 

Why should public initiatives target mental health in vulnerable communities? There is evidence that community interventions to promote mental health and social equity (from individuals to families) can be effective. 

Examples of this in practice include health worker interventions, parenting intervention to reduce child abuse, a school-run cognitive behavioural therapy prevention program, and multi-sector collaborative care. These partnerships with communities and policy leaders will improve mental health and achieve a larger-scale of positive outcomes.

Mental Health Support: It Matters for Everyone

All in all, being able to take the right steps to enhancing mental health allows people of all backgrounds to experience a better quality of life. 

From anxiety and depression treatments to behavioural therapies, equal access to mental health support helps everyone to be the best version of themselves.

Social workers with advanced qualifications like the Master of Social Work have the skills to provide culturally sensitive care and advocate for the appropriate resources.

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