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For some people, the word “calories” brings about emotions of dread and fear. For others, it’s a place to call home, where they feel all warm and fuzzy. And yet for others, “calories” connotes a way to salvation and better health.

Well, for these 3 main types of people ([1] an ideal-weight person who fears getting fat, [2] an obese person who denies himself the freedom of getting thinner, and [3] a dangerously thin person who needs to put some meat on himself), there’s hope. And guessing 99.9% of you out there, fall somewhere in these categories, I suggest you keep reading if you’d like to free yourself of that potentially vicious word forever.

Survival of the fittest

No matter who you are or what kind of body type you have, there is one definite rule in this universe: you’ll come out on top only if you’re physically and mentally fit. From basics like getting that attention that you have always been seeking, or emanating a strong leadership presence during your presentation, it’s all about how you look and how you project yourself.

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The skinny

For the person who is extremely thin (i.e., your bones are protruding on some parts of your body), it’s more a problem of eating the basics for survival. These types need to carefully plan their daily meals in order to ingest the perfect ratio of fat:protein:carbs (30:40:30). 30% of the calories they ingest needs to be fat and carbohydrates, while 40% needs to be protein.

This, coupled with moderate exercise, will help pack on some pounds gradually. People in this type of category need to change the way they view food. Food is not the enemy; it can be your friend. Actually, it can be your savior. Without basic sustenance from vitamins, minerals, fats, carbs, and proteins, the body will self-destruct.

The ideal weight person

For the person who is already at his ideal weight, it’s more a problem of mental image and fear. They are usually so afraid of becoming fat that they deny themselves the smallest pleasures like a nice cold ice-cream cone on a hot summer’s day.

Fitness buffs who are in top shape burn themselves out by exercising too much and not letting their bodies recuperate. They harbor this fear (whether consciously or unconsciously) that they’ll go over their ideal 10% body fat limit, and become the next Guinness World Record holder for the heaviest guy alive. Since these types are already hitting the gym 6 times a week and eating sensibly, the only thing they should change is their mental reasoning. Pushing the body too much too fast is never a good thing.

The overweight

Finally, for the person who is obese (i.e., you can’t see your own feet while standing straight and looking down at the floor), it’s a matter of eating too much and exercising very little — if at all. This is when the calories start piling up and everything you eat gets stored as fat (yes, even protein and carbs).

Following the aforementioned fat:protein:carbs ratio helps, but you also need to exercise at least 4 times a week for 45 minutes, doing a lot of cardio and aerobics in order to melt away those love handles and that large bottom.

Height Small Frame
Medium Frame
Large Frame
5’5” 1518-1898 1620-2025 1744-2180
5’6” 1567-1959 1668-2085 1793-2242
5’7” 1618-2023 1718-2147 1845-2306
5’8” 1671-2089 1768-2210 1897-2372
5’9” 1726-2157 1820-2275 1952-2440
5’10” 1783-2228 1873-2341 2008-2510
5’11” 1842-2302 1927-2409 2065-2582
6’0” 1903-2378 1982-2478 2124-2655
How to decrease your calorie intake

Eat a variety of foods that are low in calories but high in nutrients; check the Nutrition Facts Label on the foods you buy.
Eat less fat and fewer high-fat foods.
Eat smaller portions and limit second helpings of foods high in fat and calories.
Eat more vegetables and fruits without fats and sugars added in preparation or at the table.
Eat pasta, rice, breads, and cereals without fats and sugars added in preparation or at the table.
Eat less sugar and fewer sweets like candy, cookies, cakes, and soda.
Drink less or no alcohol.

How to increase your calorie intake

Eat a variety of foods that have a lot of nutrients, but also a lot of protein and fat (always keeping in mind the 40:30 — protein:fat — ratio).
Eat a bit more foods high in protein, such as egg whites and meats.
Eat a lot of vegetables for regulating your digestion.
Eat grains and beans.
Eat sensible amounts of food at mealtimes. Do not deny yourself normal portions.
Be careful about binge eating. Do not overdo it, then feel guilty and regurgitate everything later on. Not only is this unhealthy for your body, but also for your mind.

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Read all the issues of InnoHEALTH magazine:
InnoHEALTH Volume 1 Issue 1 (July to September 2016) – 
InnoHEALTH Volume 1 Issue 2 (October to December 2016) – 
InnoHEALTH Volume 2 Issue 1 (January to March 2017) – 
InnoHEALTH Volume 2 Issue 2 (April to June 2017) –
InnoHEALTH Volume 2 Issue 3 (July to September 2017) –
InnoHEALTH Volume 2 Issue 4 (October to December 2017) –

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