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This session was structured as a panel discussion. Chris Lloyd, Senior healthcare advisor –IBM Watson health, UK addressed with his keynote. The session was moderated by Dr. Vijay Agarwal, President – CAHO, India. Other panelists included

1. Dr. Chandy Abraham, CEO, Healthcare Project, ITC Limited, India
2. Kah Yee, Chairman of Ucrest Group, Malaysia
3. Amarjeet Singh, Director- Key Accounts & Projects, Getinge Group, India

The discussion was introduced by a brief presentation on healthcare delivery focusing in particular on Innovations for hospitals. Dr.Vijay Agarwal Facilitated the discussion, inviting panelists to reflect on different aspects of innovations.

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Dr. Vijay Agarwal started the discussion with emphasizing the need to know why one is innovating before innovating something. He said one should ask oneself that why is he/her innovating. He was concerned with the WHO rankings, where India is at 112 and countries like Bangladesh, Cuba are ahead of our country in providing healthcare, which is an alarming situation and time to think where are we lagging in. He stressed on scaling up innovations in India. As the need for providing the root level population with healthcare delivery is more important than innovating new things and suggested ways to contribute to achieving it.

Chris Lloyd presented his keynote by firstly Encouraging the platform of InnoHEALTH where all kinds of people from various fields of expertise, influential and innovative people are present. Stressed on a significant problem of diabetics. In their country, they spend 2/5th of the budget on people above 65. Need to bridge the gap between resources and patient needs. Looked into Singapore master plan in healthcare as the target model as it’s the second most rapidly aging country. It takes a Rubik’s cube approach to change the care dynamic. Compared and showcased opportunities in conventional medicine vs telemedicine.

Chandy Abraham shared his thoughts of Innovation starting from new ways, design thinking models allow for innovation from root level emphasized on patient outcomes. Insisted on getting as many as people in this pool to get new ideas. Spoke on how hospitals should create a culture of innovation.

“Innovations starts by seeing with new eyes” – Dr.Chandy

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Provision of providing time to explore and experiments, resources for trials and prototypes and aligning innovation with long term strategic goals should be encouraged. Emphasised on overcoming the hindrances by design thinking method, setting up innovation centre.

“Most innovative companies don’t do one thing focussed on innovation, they create an integrated system of activities that all reinforce each other to shape culture. They eliminate the feeling of risk altogether and replace it with an environment focussed on collaboration and learning”.

Kah Yee presented his startup – Ucrest, concept of virtual Hospital. Discussed revolutionary changes and healthcare opportunities, opportunities for IoT and wearables. The challenges of Big Data in EMR which were collection continuous personal digital medical records, No hospitals/Clinics has aggregated continuous digital medical records of a patient. The opportunities from these challenges would be data Collection of accurate and useful data, analytics of big data for insurance, pharma, doctors or health authority, preventive medicine and discovery of new medication or treatment methods. Challenges and opportunities in Big Data benefits Pharma and insurance companies.

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Online Medical Consultation can take a new way of consulting by D2D2P i.e. Doctor of Center of Excellence to Doctor to Patient (D2D2P) and explained the concept by showcasing the example of a Shangai hospital which is currently practising such method of online medical consultation. “when things go online ,it will go cheaper” – Kah Yee. He then embraced online Healthcare & technologies.

He concluded by making strong recommendations on gathering information and data that would establish undiscovered links and mentioned the takeaways from his presentation as

  • Revolutionary changes are here: Online Healthcare, IOT/Wearables, Blockchain, AI, etc. are fast growing
  • New business models, new opportunities for all stakeholders of the industry
  • Pharma retail stores will reduce
  • Doctors, pharma & insurance will move towards value-based system
  • Regulatory changes

Amarjeet Singh Tak, The value we offer to our customers – Superior clinical outcomes at affordable costs by improving; Clinical outcomes and reducing the length of stay; Efficiency and minimizing Hospital Acquired Infections. He addressed with the today’s challenges in hospitals by jotting them down as:

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1. Hospitals are wasting money on excess administrative costs and ineffective way of care delivery.

2. Hospital Communications: Latest information available on one point only. And that becomes Stress for coordinators as the central point of information

Solution from Getinge: INSIGHT Clinical Logistics: The Interactive Way Consistent and timely care with clear communication throughout the patient journey can lead to increased efficiencies and better outcomes. INSIGHT Increases patient focus by making relevant real-time treatment and care information readily available on dedicated large screens throughout the hospital.

Q&A session :

After the panel discussion, some time was given to comments and queries from the floor. Some of the questions asked by people in the audience are given below.

What is the optimum size of the hospital (cost wise): 2000 bed in London but statistics say that no much productivity, 500 can be optimum.

Virtual hospitals or clinical trial FDA approval is a trouble: No such system for clinical trials yet.

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