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The Cancer Fear: The question that immediately crosses our mind when we hear about the dreaded disease called cancer is that what is cancer and what causes it! Similarly,the next question that torments a mortal soul is that how do we get to know that we have got cancer. Well, to deal with the first answer, we can say in very simple words state that cancer is the abnormal multiplication of defective cells that continue to divide at an unprecedented rate and has the power to invade and destroy normal body tissue. Cancer very often spreads through the whole body if not thwarted or cured.

Cancer is not always fatal: Cancer has a dreaded significance as it is the second most potent cause of death in the planet. When cancer develops, it triggers certain abnormal changes in the day-to-day functioning of the body. These abnormalities act as primary signs and symbols for detecting cancer at its initial stage. If detected at its nascent stage, cancer can be treated effectively and death can be defied.

Main causes and types of cancer: The five major varieties of cancer are carcinoma, sarcoma, melanoma, lymphoma, and leukemia. Most of these cancers are caused by old age, alcoholism, tobacco addiction, dietary indiscipline, hormonal imbalance, infectious germs, exposure to harmful radiation, consumption of carcinogenic substances, obesity, and harmful rays of the sun to name a few.

General symptoms aiding cancer detection

Let us keep in mind to be vigilant about any abnormal and sudden change in body appearance or body functioning. The below points focus on somegeneric signs and symptoms triggered by the body foreffective detection of cancerous cells.

  • Nagging feeling of fatigue or weakness: Feeling tired or out of breath and out of energy level constantly without any supporting reasonable ailment might be a sign of cancer in the body.
  • Pelvic pain or irregularity in periods: Cervical, uterine or ovarian cancers are detected using these initial symptoms. Cramps and persistent pains should be examined.
  • Chronic cough or headache: Persistent coughing may be a symptom of lung cancer and never-ending headache might indicate brain tumour and hence both need to be checked.
  • Stomach pain, nausea and indigestion: Persistent indigestion, bloating or discomfort after eating might indicate the presence of cancerous cells in stomach, oesophagus or throat.
  • Unexplained bleeding or bruising: Postmenopausal bleeding is an alarming sign for cervical or uterine cancer. Bleeding might denote various types of cancer starting from rectal cancer, cervical cancer, bladder or kidney cancer and even breast cancer depending on which organ is bleeding.
  • Fever and hoarseness: Difficulty in swallowing, persistent fever, cough or hoarseness might be the signs of larynx cancer, lung cancer or thyroid cancer.
  • Lump formation, swelling or thickening under the skin: Any new development of lump or mass that is visible or can be felt under the skin layer, especially in the areas around breast or in lymph nodes, swelling of soft tissues or lump in the testicles might all be indications of cancer.
  • Change in body weight: Drastic change in body weight such as abnormal and abrupt weight loss or gain that is inexplicable needs to be checked for germination of cancer cells in the body. Various types of cancers such as pancreatic cancer, stomach cancer, oesophageal or lung cancer are generally accompanied by serious weight loss.
  • Painful changes in oral region: White or sore patches, bleeding or numbness in your oral region or tongue can lead to oral cancer.
  • Persistent body pain: Persistent muscle or joint pain or fever that remains unexplained is also general signs of cancer.
  • Colour change of skin, changes in existing moles or warts: Changes in skin colour such as yellowing, darkening or reddening or having sores that do not heal or even changesin moles, freckles or warts that are already present need attention for examining of skin cancer.
  • Toilet habit changes: Changes in bowel or bladder habits such as diarrhoea or constipation or irritation while passing urinemight lead to colorectal cancer, bladder cancer or prostate cancer.
  • Changes in bowel movements or urinary habits: Any prominent change in body functions such as constipation,diarrhoea,blood in stool; black or tarry stools; frequent urination or blood in urine are indications of colon, prostate, colorectal, rectal or bladder cancer.

You should be vigilant about these symptoms and get examined immediately if they persist. Fatality can be avoided if cancer is detected at an early stage. There are various hospitals located across India specializing in cancer treatment. Here is the list of 10 best cancer hospitals in India.

Divya Khanna lives in New Delhi who is medical freelancer offering quality information related to medicines and health products for different Health conditions and their treatment

InnoHEALTH magazine digital team

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