California-based company, Evidation has recently raised funds worth $153 million to expand its virtual health programs on Acheivement Platform which is America’s largest digital health network. Evidation via its virtual health programs make it easier for individuals to manage their health. Alongwith the expansion of its virtual health programs, the company will also invest on building on its trust relationships with individuals and analysing person-generated health data for its stakeholders across healthcare. New programs to be launched by Evidation intend to transform how individuals interact with the ecosystem of care by providing personal insights and tools to empower and motivate people to take evidence-supported actions to understand, manage and improve their health in a better way.
With these steps, Evidation becomes the first company that can help digital health and Biopharma companies generate evidence about their treatments and then empower and enable individuals to use that evidence to take their own health-related actions. As a company, Evidation measures health in everyday life and enables anyone to participate in ground-breaking research and health programs. Privacy of its user and control over permissioned health data form the foundation of Evidation. It partners with leading healthcare companies to understand health and disease outside the walls of a hospital or clinics. Its mission is to include, enable and empower every individual to participate in better health outcomes. Evidation works with various public health organisations, medical speciality societies and academic instituitions and has till date since its inception conducted more than 100 real-world studies across different therapeutic areas. In 2020, the firm touched the milestone of more than 1 million individuals participating in different researches and health programs.
The company has been able to make rapid, virtual research at scale possible and it is believed that company’s innovative platform can be leveraged to guide patients on their journey to a healthy living. In 2020, the company launched its first virtual health initiatives including Achievement for Heart Health- a first of its kind health program to help people monitor and improve their cardiovascular health outside clinical settings with the initial focus on heart failure. This program was launched in collaboration with the American College of Cardiology. LumiHealth, another personalised program that partnership with Apple and the Government of Singapore. These privacy-safe health programs seamlessly connect care and research, fastening the discovery and dissemination of evidence-supported practices which improve health outcomes.
SOURCE: www.businesswire.com