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Absence of mental disorders means we are mentally healthy but mental health is way beyond that.

Mental health is all about how we feel, think and behave, it refers to cognitive, behavioral, and emotional well-being. It can affect our daily life, relationships and overall health. We always think that absence of mental disorders means we are mentally healthy, but mental health is way beyond that. Preserving our mental health is utmost important in order to enjoy life.

As per World Health Organization (WHO):

“Mental health is a state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.” WHO focuses that mental health is “more than just the absence of mental disorders or disabilities.” Peak mental health is about not only avoiding active conditions but also looking after ongoing wellness and happiness. Restoring mental health is crucial. As per a study by WHO, every 40 seconds, someone loses their life to suicide. Suicide is the second leading cause of death among 15-29 year olds globally. Can you imagine at such young age of 15-29 years someone is so affected internally that they want to end their suffering by ending their lives. They feel that it’s the easiest and the only solution to all their sorrows and unhappiness. Poor mental health has a deleterious effect on a person’s life.

The most common mental disorders are depression and anxiety. In depression you feel down, sad, or upset, you start losing interest in everything, while in anxiety you experience a feeling of fear or worry, and it can happen to anyone. It’s not unusual to experience anxiety before a big event or important decision but experiencing it on a daily basis without a reason is something that requires attention.

There are several ways of managing mental health problems and the treatment is highly customised, it’s not necessary that what works for one may work for another. It’s always better to talk about what you’re feeling and experiencing. It’s normal to feel sad and depressed, but not acknowledging it is a problem. Try to read and educate yourself about mental disorders; don’t confuse it with daily life challenges and stress. In order to treat something we must first know the severity of it, the damage it can cause to our life. Don’t only rely on medications also seek social help, talk to the people, and professionals, do exercise, do meditation, do whatever you feel comfortable with.

Try to notice good things around you, nurture yourself, nurture your thoughts, be with the ones who make you feel good, avoid negativity and have patience. I know it seems difficult but it will all be worthy, keep your will strong and you can conquer everything. To conclude, I would like to mention that it is rightly said “A strong body is a good asset but a strong mind is the ultimate strength.”

Composed by: Dr. Shalini Kukreti

Author is a Nutritionist and a Clinical Dietician (Gold Medalist). A certified Dietary Supplement Advisor with an experience of more than 7 years in Diet Therapy, Counseling, Therapeutic diet planning, healthcare product development and lifestyle management. She is skilled in conducting healthcare training and developing training modules.

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